Saturday, September 21, 2013

Divine Mercy and Anima Christi and Communion with Family

I had a dream I was at a family dinner during Christmas. We were sitting around the Christmas tree. I was explain how that like this tree gives shelter to the birds Christ Shelters us. Then we passed around the Communion Bread  and Cup. My sister Julie was praying for me. I shared the cup with my niece Rosie. Then I woke up.
 I woke up saying the Anima Christi!
Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Separated from Thee let me never be ("Permit me not to be separated from Thee")
From the malicious enemy defend me ("From the malignant enemy defend me")
In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints ("That with thy Saints I may praise Thee")
Forever and ever

Jesus showed me that just as the tree shelters the birds, the Cross that Jesus died on shelters us from Sin.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Autumn Blessing

I made a crochet pumpkin for my sister and was thinking about what kind of card to send with it. I have the scripture Give thanks to the Lord and forget not all His benefits Psalms 103
I imagined a nice yellow and orange flower on the front of the card and made a mental note to look through my stickers to find some flowers in those colors.
Today God sent me a package in the mail containing 4 note cards! And one of the cards has some lovely yellow and red flowers on the front!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Going With God

Right now I am reading a wonderful book called
Angels in the Realms of Heaven: The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today (Dancing with Angels)
Basconi, Kevin
It is so inspiring to read about someone elses travels to heaven! They mirror mine in so many ways. I am very grateful for the times the Lord encouraged my heart by letting me see glimpses of heaven. And now I am reading another persons memoirs of similar experiences.
Today I made it to church. I haven't been since April. How refreshing it was just to bathe in His presence and glorify His name in song with other Believers. They sang the Revelation Song too!
We all took Communion together as well
While I was getting ready I saw my grandma getting ready like when I was 10 years old. She put on her favorite yellow dress and Wicked Wahine colone and orange lipstick. She was anxious to get going. She said I looked fine. We even sat down in church together! I saw her take my hand in hers. She said "it  is not my style of songs but I'm so glad you are here. You are Jesus to me" something she said to me many years ago....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Veterams' Dreams

September 7 2013
I was in a bunker with 5 tanks and manning the tanks were guys in full body casts! They had been patched up and sent back out under the protection of a 3 foot walled bunker with tanks
but that did not stop teh bombs
and when the bombs fell the guys freaked out and tried to break out of their casts Some even rebroke threir legs!

 and another one This one good
September 10 2013

Just had to tell you that I had another Veteran's dream! This man seemed to be 75-80 years old. He sat next to me and showed me what he did in a movie style dream. He was a lock smith in the navy! He showed a picture of him opening locks on a brig. Then I saw him making eyes at a lady that was dressed in a 60s pattern dress. He said he liked them to be intelligent. He last showed me a trick he played on an admiral There was a leather briefcase locked on a dingy, While the admiral was chatting with an officer this man unlocked the briefcase and hopped back on deck. he said Hoo that was good fun! They hired me just to open locks that's all It was great to get paid to open locks! Give me a piece of metal and I can open any lock! Oh and you are an intelligent lady. (then I woke up)


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Toby Gets His Bacon and Shares The Love

Toby LOVES bacon!
I asked hubby to go get us a 6$ burger from Carls Jr I wanted the other one because it has bacon for Toby but we had a coupon for this one. Guess what..there was a 1 inch piece of bacon hanging onto my burger! Just for Toby. God was thinking of Toby too 

Toby came in while I was sitting in the bathroom snuffling for anything on the floor. I reached down to scratch his chest and he stayed there. Normally I reach to pet him without offering food and he shakes his head and walks away. Well he did walk out the door but ...he came back and blinked up at me! I reached down and scratched his chest with one hand and smoothed his back with the other. This is the first time since I have had Toby that he has asked for pets